droidcon Berlin 2024 is just around the corner and we look forward to welcoming the most innovative developers to discover and share the amazing possibilities enabled by Android Automotive, the fastest growing infotainment OS in the world today.

Taking place July 3rd to the 5th at the unique CityCube Berlin congress and exhibition arena, droidcon is all about bringing the Android developer community together to expand their horizons and hone their skillset.

Established as the premier international Android developer conference, this year for the first time, droidcon features an Android Automotive track.

More and more carmakers are transitioning from homegrown solutions to Android Automotive OS. They’ve woken up to the many opportunities and advantages that Android creates to develop, deploy and monetize new services, extending beyond simple applications and infotainment to intuitive and engaging services and data.

P3 is at the heart of this evolution, and has been delivering specialized automotive engineering excellence for over 28 years.

We invite everyone to join Marius Mailat, CTO & Managing Director of P3 digital services at this droidcon session to discuss: “What is new in Software Defined Vehicle and Android Automotive OS?” in the Nest room, 5 July at 14.30 CEST.

To set up a discussion with Marius at droidcon Berlin, please book here.

Android Automotive provides the opportunity to create powerful infotainment solutions rich in content and functionality that benefit OEMs and their customers alike. With Android Automotive the economics of deploying new generation infotainment systems are fundamentally transformed.

Automakers can launch advanced infotainment that differentiates, delivers value, and generates loyalty. Meanwhile, they can reap the rewards of dramatic enhancements to return on investment, revenue potential and accelerated product launches.

Drivers and passengers can interact with the cockpit like never before thanks to Android. User-centric offerings elevate in-car experiences in terms of efficiency, economy, utility and enjoyment – all with the utmost safety thanks to embedded Android-enabled technology.

But in order to make infotainment Nirvana a reality, all players in the ecosystem need in-depth understanding and expertise in Android.

The newly launched Android Automotive track at droidcon Berlin is poised to become an integral part of the event and will provide a valuable forum for the automotive ecosystem, including OEMs, Tier Ones, Middleware, Hardware and Service Suppliers to connect with experts in Android development.

See you there! 


For media information:

Cynthia Ritchie
+44 20 4518 7555