
360 degree surround visibility

Technology partnership between P3 and Büyütech transforms driver safety and user experience with 360-degree surround visibility, a first for Android Automotive.

ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) specialist Büyütech is now part of P3’s SPARQ OS IVI system, giving drivers consolidated all-angle camera visibility for the first time on Android Automotive OS

This integration partnership brings powerful 360-degree spatial awareness and high-utility driver experience.

In conventional in-car camera systems, the driver accesses multiple separate cameras which show views of the car’s external surroundings from various aspects: front, back, and at the sides. With Büyütech integrated with SPARQ, these disparate camera views are consolidated to provide the driver with a bird’s eye view, and comprehensive all-angle visibility of the car’s surroundings.

This innovative new ‘surround view’ gives drivers total exterior visibility in a unified picture, providing an understanding of the car’s immediate surroundings from all angles with a single glance.

OEMs choosing to deploy SPARQ OS IVI system reap multiple production benefits and cost savings:

ECU Economies – In a classic car or truck camera system, each camera has its own Electronic Control Unit (ECU). With the SPARQ integration with Büyütech, these ECUs are consolidated to merge the images in a single 3D visualization of the car’s exterior. As a result, in addition to delivering unprecedented utility for drivers, the cost of the ECU hardware needed is reduced.

Computing efficiency – The Büyütech-integrated SPARQ IVI system consolidates computing logic. This eliminates the need for separate computing power for reading each camera’s data separately. The requirements for hardware and internal cabling are therefore reduced, consequently decreasing the car’s total weight. The result is lower component costs for OEMs.

Lower manufacturing costs, lower prices – These economies can save the OEM many thousands of euros in manufacturing costs. Thus, consumer pricing can potentially be reduced.

Fuel efficiency – lighter cars require less fuel; therefore this integration helps the driver save money. Meanwhile, drivers get a better user experience with instant all-angle viewing

P3 continues to move the needle when it comes to creating truly user-centric IVI. Büyütech and P3 share a vision for elevating the in-vehicle environment with game-changing functionality, usability and safety, and for providing the car industry with innovations that improve production efficiencies and save on costs.

Omer Orkun Duztas
Büyütech Co-Founder & CEO

The ability to see all camera views simultaneously is transformational in terms of driver experience, utility and safety. Additionally, in giving OEMs the opportunity to cut manufacturing costs, Büyütech technology is demonstrably a very significant advancement for the SPARQ platform, and we are absolutely delighted that Büyütech is joining us in bringing next generation Android-powered IVI to the automotive industry and to consumers.

Marius Mailat
CTO & Managing Director of P3 digital services

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