
Bring the newest features and security updates

Bring the future to your products. Use OTA updates to ship new features and the latest security upgrades faster and more reliable.

Over-the-air platform updates will be an inevitable part of software-driven vehicles. Emteria provides an easy and reliable way to bring the newest features and security updates for Android Automotive into the drivers’ cockpit today.

As a trusted innovation partner of mobility and automotive OEMs, Emteria offers a state-of-the-art Over-The-Air rollout process that ensures your in-vehicle software components are always secure and up-to-date.

Stay ahead with Over-the-Air software updates

In a continually evolving world of changing in-vehicle software components and shorter software development cycles, it is no longer feasible to expect the customer to visit a dealership every time an update is available. Address your customers’ evolving needs with seamless Over-the-Air software updates and redefine how drivers interact with their vehicles at any time. Delivering software improvements over-the-air is the fastest and easiest way to unlock the newest features and bring competitive edge to your digital vehicle dashboards.

Keep your vehicles secure

Protect your software-driven vehicles by delivering security patches and critical bug fixes remotely through a reliable wireless connection. Besides, the challenge of implementing new features and keeping up with new trends in the infotainment spectrum, responding to latest software vulnerabilities by publishing regular security updates is key to effective protection against cyber-attacks.

In addition to providing OTA Automotive updates, emteria’s top priority is keeping security standards high during the whole update process. Emteria relays on:

  • Support for custom OS signing certificates
  • Automatic integrity and consistency monitoring
  • Encrypted connection between all infrastructure endpoints
  • On-device validation and automatic fallback solution

Define and customize your update process

Emteria provides everything you need to build, deliver and install OTA updates for your Android Automotive OS through a secured infrastructure: automatic CI/CD pipelines for building full Android OS images and OTA packages, a powerful infrastructure to create and distribute Delta updates and update APIs for integration of custom workflows. Emteria’s products are available as a European-hosted cloud platform or for on-premise deployments.

Emteria’s key OTA features are:

  • Failsafe delivery – Automatic fallback mechanism ensures that the device can automatically recover to its last working state if an Android OTA update fails.
  • Smart delta updates – Deployment of incremental OTA packages, which only contain changes since the last update to speed up the download process and reduce data bandwidth.
  • Automatic update generation – OTA packages are generated automatically, uploaded and made available for installation.
  • Rollback protection – Installation of older releases is refused to protect against already patched exploits.
  • Signing certificates – Custom signing keys for Android OS to protect your releases and ensure that only updates from trustworthy sources can be installed.
  • Scheduled updates – Updates can be pushed to individual vehicles or to the entire device fleet according to a specific time schedule to prevent disruption during operation.
  • Staged update rollout – System updates are installed on the entire Android vehicle fleet step-by-step to minimize the risk of fleet malfunction.

With Emteria, all in-vehicle software innovations are seamlessly delivered straight to your driver’s dashboard.

Automation of software update delivery is no longer optional in the world of fast-changing automotive products.

Dr. Igor Kalkov Streitz
emteria GmbH, Founder & managing director

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