
Handwriting recognition engine

AI handwriting technology

MyScript creates digital ink solutions and productivity apps for developers, OEMs and end users – all powered by the world’s best handwriting recognition. Backed by over 20 years of research and development, the artificial intelligence used by MyScript powers is the world’s most accurate handwriting recognition engine. Trained on millions of writing samples across 72+ languages, their neural networks recognize text, math, diagrams, shapes, emojis and musical notation.

AI at MyScript

The core software products of MyScript are powered by proprietary AI technology. AI is accustomed to interpret handwritten content in over 70 languages, analyzing the structure of handwritten notes, understanding mathematical equations, and even recognizing and converting hand-drawn musical notation.

The tech is backed by over 20 years of research and development. To build the world’s most accurate handwriting recognition engine, MyScript conducted (and continues to conduct) ongoing research into the minutiae of language formation: how sentences are constructed from words and words from characters; how diacritic marks are placed above or below certain vowels, and so on.

Text handwriting research

The Text Handwriting Research team of MyScript uses machine learning techniques to solve problems that can be formulated as sequence-to-sequence (or seq2seq) conversion problems – such as when converting handwritten text into its constituent characters. The techniques must be adapted to different alphabets and conventions to enable the recognition of, for example, right-to-left languages like Arabic or Hebrew, diacritic vowels in Indian scripts, Chinese ideograms, the Korean Hangul alphabet or vertically sequenced Japanese Hiragana, Katakana or Kanji characters.

MyScript automotive features

  • 22,5+ million cars equipped
  • 53+ patent families, 298+ published patents
  • All styles of handwriting (cursive, handprint, slopped & slanted, superimposed writing and mixing all styles together)
  • Automatic space insertion between words
  • Language agnostic with 72 languages support
  • Wide angle rotation
  • Prediction and completion of words

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