
Advanced software quality solutions


is a pioneer in advanced software quality assurance solutions and services for automotive, medical, and smart devices and are at your service to help provide stable Software with the best quality possible.


Profilence´s role in Android Automotive

Ensuring the stability and robustness of complex software systems such as Android has always been challenging. With the automotive segment adopting Android Automotive as a cockpit solution, OEMs and Tier1s need to adopt new methods for analyzing the quality of the infotainment system, which is deeply integrated with various vehicle domains.

By working closely together during the platform development phase, Profilence reduces the burden experienced by car manufacturers.

Profilence has extended the scope of its QA solution to include automotive features implemented by the SPARQ platform, such as navigation, media player, and app store, as well as additional apps provided by P3’s ecosystem partners, including EV charging and parking assistance. With Profilence’s innovations, P3 and its OEM customers can model software stability instantly in laboratory conditions instead of collecting data from field trials; this ability significantly reduces issue discovery and resolution times.


Key benefits

Profilence Quality Analytics Suite enables long-term usage modeling of infotainment systems and interconnected ECUs in a laboratory environment: you get QA results with root cause analysis in a matter of days instead of waiting for weeks for field trials to finish.

The analysis focuses on the following aspects:

  • Stability: how well does the system work over a long period of time; does it become unstable and behave in unexpected ways?
  • Performance: does the system remain responsive, or are there underlying issues that cause sluggishness over time?

QA data from lab tests can be further complemented by Profilence’s telemetry solution, which collects and analyzes data from field trials. All data is consolidated into an easy-to-navigate dashboard with actionable insights into software quality trends and the most pressing issues with root cause analysis.

With Profilence’s expertise and technology, OEMs and Tier1s:

  • Accelerate their QA feedback and development cycles
  • Enhance collaboration between engineering and product management teams
  • Gain access to the best QA practices and knowledge that has been applied in the medical, smartphone, and other Android device segments

For years, Profilence has been a trusted provider of QA solutions and services in medical and smart device segments, and we are now bringing our technology and expertise to the automotive markets.

We provide value across the entire automotive software value chain from chipset vendors to OEMs and beyond, and by working closely with P3, we guarantee that infotainment systems work flawlessly when they are launched and that the quality does not degrade over time.

Sami Utriainen
Profilence, CTO & Co-Founder

P3 is a major co-development partner for Android Automotive OS for the Top OEMS. Our experience in SPARQ platform and car series development motivated us to enhance the infotainment ecosystem with valuable partners.

P3 has embarked on a journey whose destination is to transform the In-Vehicle Infotainment via software defined vehicle development.

Marius Mailat
P3 digital services, CTO and Managing director

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